Friday, 6 May 2011

206 Vote 'Independent Conservative' in Cheshunt North

Dear Cheshunt North, Independent Conservative voters

Thank you for each of your 206 votes of support in yesterday's local election;  each such vote will be cherished for together they reflect the evolution of politics and unearthed artefacts belonging to a Treasure Trove.

Goodwill is an equally precious commodity which I have encountered on a daily basis whether in the shape of a phone call this morning suggesting 'a phyrric victory for the Opposition enhanced by the Referendum' or, indeed, generous gestures from the most unexpected quarters awarding the Trove to myself, the landowner.

Bless Them all for their thoughtfulness.  In particular, Tweetees, @jason_manc 'Tories have gained a councillor seat somewhere darn sarf'  @rooknight 'she left the party group  We won' for their youthful exuberance.

Standing down from the Conservatives at the beginning of this year and becoming an Independent Conservative was not an act that gave me any pleasure.

Had I done so sooner, I would have had more time to single-handedly win more Hearts and Minds within the Ward;  poisoned earlier in a ruthless, calculating and tribal manner in a statement from a 'Tory insider' whose cowardly, defamatory remarks upon my departure were unfairly aimed to publicly damage my reputation.

The eagerness to out the 'Tory insider' by observers who wished me well was telling. 

Treasure Trove
More importantly, may I now thank those who signed my popular 'Local Power' petition to bring back 'FREE' youth clubs for young people, help young offenders and create civilian street patrols.

I have opened 3 'FREE' youth clubs in four months and also kick-started civilian street patrols with a pilot in Cheshunt North.

Businesses have been invited by me to join a local business enterprise partnership and young people encouraged to join its young entrepreneurs group; with the inaugural meeting taking place this month.

I trust this demonstrates clearly that apathy towards politics is being replaced by voters' energetic indignation:  today's local election results reflect Independents' pioneering work in this arena ~ such as inititatives that are emulated by the Opposition during the run-up to local elections - opening-up new areas of thought whereby local people may capture local power by simply joining together in sizeable activists' groups.

Whatever the frustrations, it is well-worth expressing those views for without them, those whose views we may strongly disagree will lead the way.  To where?

Freedom, individual responsibility and community matter now, more than ever.

With every good wish


If you would like a copy of my campaign leaflet
that tells of my political achievements whilst in office
 please do email me on


Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Local People, Lower Power, Local Politics

Absolutely delighted to announce that I am the Local Independent Candidate, Cheshunt North Ward, Borough of Broxbourne, Hertfordshire standing in the Local Election to be held on 5th May, 2011.

As a Conservative, I have worked hard for locals who raise their concerns at my monthly Surgery which is held at the Brookfield Centre, the epicentre of Cheshunt North Ward and of the Borough of Broxbourne.

I have served on every Broxbourne Council Committee whilst implementing my own successful social action programme ~ whereby I encourage local young people to engage in democracy, empowering them to influence politicians who make decisions about their lives.

And so, following heartfelt consideration, I had decided, at the end of last year, to leave the local Conservative group and become an Independent Conservative:  I had plans that I wished to see implemented and these same plans are progressing very well indeed.

I had met with the local Conservative group chairman and explained during a most cordial meeting ~ when we enjoyed a cappuccino and a slice of panattone each ~ my reasoning for doing so and, no, it was not with a glad heart that I had chosen to leave.

As we exchanged Yuletide Greetings and best wishes to all concerned, I returned to my car and thought to myself how respectful and polite we had both been in such sensitive circumstances. 

Presently, The Mercury Newspaper ran a piece on my becoming an Independent Conservative and it quoted a Tory insider 'she is toxic' and 'she will not be missed':  I rose above the childish remark which was a poor attempt to publicly discredit me and I wished everyone a Happy New Year.

Christmas with family and friends was very special, for many reasons;  not least, for the tremendous support I received for the decision I had made from family, friends, residents and neighbours.

Well wishers sent messages of encouragement and supporters offered their help via social media ... should I wish to stand as an Independent at the end of my four year term of office in May 2011.

Goodwill came my way from many sources, in many guises:  for instance, good friends who wished to reveal the name of the Tory insider who had made the corrosive remark.

Should I believe that in a fit of resentment or vexation ~ like unsubstantial and trivial froth ~ that Tory insider had attempted to harm my reputation, decrease the respect, regard, or confidence in which I was held, or induce disparaging, hostile, or disagreeable opinions or feelings against me?

Note to self:  Defamation may be a criminal or civil charge. It encompasses both written statements, known as libel, and spoken statements, called slander.

The Standards Board may well be soon dissolved but not just yet:  political posturing is an artform and like business brinkmanship, it relies on "Gentlemen's Agreements" and the honour of the parties involved for its fulfilment.

With every good wish to all candidates.


Friday, 1 April 2011

Landlord Accreditation Schemes: a home for everyone

Whilst the majority of landlords are good and reputable, there are a small minority of rogue landlords who prey on vulnerable tenants.

Landlord accreditation is an excellent way of showing tenants that their landlord is a professional and meets good standards.

Landlord accreditation schemes can be a flexible and cost effective tool to improve standards and address particular problems in Broxbourne's private rented sector. Many local authorities with schemes have seen more sustained tenancies, improved standards and issues being resolved earlier with lower costs to authorities.

Many local authorities have set up cost-saving partnerships with neighbouring authorities to run their accreditation schemes enabling them to share the set-up costs.

Including credible minimum standards within accreditation schemes should mean that tenants will always prefer to rent from an accredited landlord.

Shelter, the housing and homelessness charity, has highlighted the growing problem of rogue landlords in Britain operating in the private rented sector.

Approximately 61 per cent of local authorities currently offer a landlord accreditation scheme.

With the number of people living in the private rented sector growing and set to increase further, there should be a system in place in Broxbourne for tenants to check whether they are renting from a good landlord.

Let's put in place a landlord accreditation scheme which will provide an objective benchmark for landlords to operate against, while informing and empowering tenants to make good choices.  Until there’s a home for everyone.


Friday, 18 March 2011

Housing Minister's Open Letter to Daily Telegraph: Supporting People?


Thousands of pensioners, women fleeing domestic violence, homeless people and people with mental health problems could be forced to fend for themselves because of unintended cuts being made to a government–funded programme called Supporting People.

Although the Government has given relative protection to this £6.5billion programme – reducing the grant it gives councils to fund these services by 12 per cent over four years – some local authorities have announced that they will make cuts of up to 50 per cent this year.

Cuts of this level hurt vulnerable people but make no financial sense. Without early identification, vulnerable individuals will quickly reach crisis point, making greater demands on health and homelessness services and the criminal justice system.

In December, Eric Pickles, the Communities Secretary, said: "Most sensible local authorities will come to the conclusion that £1 spent on Supporting People will probably save them £5 or £6 further down the line.

Local authorities need to cut costs. But this shouldn't mean targeting disproportionate spending reductions on programmes that support the most vulnerable.

Grant Shapps MP (Con), Housing Minister
David Orr,Chief Executive, National Housing Federation
Nicola Harwin, Chief Executive, Women's Aid Federation


Monday, 28 February 2011

Young Carers: STAND UP! SPEAK UP!

The Palace of Westminster, also known at the Houses of Parliament or Westminster Palace is the meeting place for the two Houses of Parliament ~ the House of Lords and the House of Commons.

Looking up towards "the greatest creation of medieval timber architecture", the hammerbeam roof of the Westminter Hall, Young Carers then set-off for a tour of Westminster Palace led by Elizabeth Johnson, who expertedly provided he exploration portals for our group.

Listening attentively and asking excellent questions, the group spent ninety minutes absorbing historical facts and up to date anecdotes about PMQs, remembering not to sit down on the benches which are reserved for Members only.

Broxbourne's Young Carers now have a much better idea of how to influence MPs who make decisions about their lives thanks to Charles Walker MP who sponsored the visit.

My thanks to Charles, his staff and Young Carers.  Excellent day!


Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Community First Responders: no experience required

The East of England Ambulance Service are calling for people in Hertfordshire to give up their spare time to attend 999 calls... 

They're looking for Community first responders to be taught life saving skills to help others in South East Hertfordshire.

CFRs are dispatched by the emergency operations centre at the same time as the ambulance crew or rapid response vehicle, but often arrive first on scene because they are based so locally.

The responder then provides clinical care until paramedics arrive.

Volunteers take it in turn to be 'on call' and carry basic first aid equipment and a simple-to-use automated external defibrillator (AED).

No previous experience is required, as all volunteers under take training to equip them with the skills needed to carry out the role, which is fully supported by the ambulance service.

Steve Catley, community partnership manager for Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire, said: "Anyone living or working within their local community can get involved with the scheme; they can either be a first responder, or they can help with other vital aspects of the scheme as scheme co-ordinator, fundraising or general admin help to the group.

It's an incredibly rewarding experience and something which demonstrates great community spirit."

For more information contact: 01284 731802  or email


Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Decentralisation, devolution and empowerment: 'Control Shift'

For what are we waiting?
In 2009, David Cameron launched a major policy green paper 'Control Shift' outlining Conservative plans to give power back to local communities via an empowered state, local people and institutions.

Creating bottom-up incentives for house building, by allowing councils to benefit more from the increase in council tax revenues from new homes, rather than being equalised away by Whitehall

Allowing councils to establish their own local enterprise partnerships to take over the economic development functions and funding of the Regional Development Agencies

Giving local authorities a new discretionary power to levy business rate discounts, allowing them to help local shops and services, such as rural pubs or post offices

Provide citizens in all large cities with the opportunity to choose whether to have an elected mayor, through mayoral referendums

Greater use of direct democracy, including allowing residents to veto high council tax rises, and instigating local referendums on local issues

Requiring councils to publish detailed information online on expenditure by local councils – including the pay and perks of senior staff, and issuing new guidance to stop ‘rewards for failure’ to sacked town hall staff.

Caroline Spelman, the Shadow Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, said, "It’s not just about empowering local government; we want to empower the people it serves so that they can have more say in how much of their money they want their council to spend on their behalf.”

For what are we waiting?  Bills to become Law?  New Boards to form?  Businesses to go bust?  Websites to be updated with expenditures?

[  BBC News - Eric Pickles to give councillors top pay vote  ]

This is a once in a generation opportunity to change the way politics is done ~ what do you want to do about it?   Tell me

16-25yrs old? Big Society's BIG Mouth

Local People.  Local Power.  Local Politics.

Caroline Spelman
'Control Shift'
Returning Power to Local Communities via @AddThis
