Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Local People, Lower Power, Local Politics

Absolutely delighted to announce that I am the Local Independent Candidate, Cheshunt North Ward, Borough of Broxbourne, Hertfordshire standing in the Local Election to be held on 5th May, 2011.

As a Conservative, I have worked hard for locals who raise their concerns at my monthly Surgery which is held at the Brookfield Centre, the epicentre of Cheshunt North Ward and of the Borough of Broxbourne.

I have served on every Broxbourne Council Committee whilst implementing my own successful social action programme ~ whereby I encourage local young people to engage in democracy, empowering them to influence politicians who make decisions about their lives.

And so, following heartfelt consideration, I had decided, at the end of last year, to leave the local Conservative group and become an Independent Conservative:  I had plans that I wished to see implemented and these same plans are progressing very well indeed.

I had met with the local Conservative group chairman and explained during a most cordial meeting ~ when we enjoyed a cappuccino and a slice of panattone each ~ my reasoning for doing so and, no, it was not with a glad heart that I had chosen to leave.

As we exchanged Yuletide Greetings and best wishes to all concerned, I returned to my car and thought to myself how respectful and polite we had both been in such sensitive circumstances. 

Presently, The Mercury Newspaper ran a piece on my becoming an Independent Conservative and it quoted a Tory insider 'she is toxic' and 'she will not be missed':  I rose above the childish remark which was a poor attempt to publicly discredit me and I wished everyone a Happy New Year.

Christmas with family and friends was very special, for many reasons;  not least, for the tremendous support I received for the decision I had made from family, friends, residents and neighbours.

Well wishers sent messages of encouragement and supporters offered their help via social media ... should I wish to stand as an Independent at the end of my four year term of office in May 2011.

Goodwill came my way from many sources, in many guises:  for instance, good friends who wished to reveal the name of the Tory insider who had made the corrosive remark.

Should I believe that in a fit of resentment or vexation ~ like unsubstantial and trivial froth ~ that Tory insider had attempted to harm my reputation, decrease the respect, regard, or confidence in which I was held, or induce disparaging, hostile, or disagreeable opinions or feelings against me?

Note to self:  Defamation may be a criminal or civil charge. It encompasses both written statements, known as libel, and spoken statements, called slander.

The Standards Board may well be soon dissolved but not just yet:  political posturing is an artform and like business brinkmanship, it relies on "Gentlemen's Agreements" and the honour of the parties involved for its fulfilment.

With every good wish to all candidates.



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