Ten Step Programme to debt management
2. Be prepare to make sacrifices where workable
4. Prepare a budget (i) income (ii) assets (iii) other (iv) outgoings (iii) balance
Labels: budget
Labels: budget
Goodness, a Golden Goodbye to Geoffs Menswear, Cheshunt High Street following 50 Years' Service.
Heartiest congratulations and best wishes: retirement is a wonderful opportunity to explore what more life has to offer.
For the remaining small businesses in Cheshunt, shopkeepers are quoted as saying 'Blow the b****y doors off' business rates that push small firms over the edge.
Business rates are universally unpopular with firms. They are often the third most significant overhead, and are fixed, regardless of how well or badly a business is doing. So in a recession, business rates can help push a firm over the edge.
Small businesses feel the pinch most. And as many point out, they get nothing in return for their rates, not even their bins emptied.
That’s why Mark Prisk MP has been campaigning to help small business get relief from the burden of rates. Last year a section of the Party's website was dedicated to helping small firms claim up to £1,100 relief. http://www.conservatives.com/smallshops/
Amazingly, half of the eligible firms weren’t claiming this relief. Why? Most advised that they either didn’t know it existed, or had found the red tape too much.
So the online tool that Mr Prisk put on the website enabled those businesses to quickly put in their details and then get an immediate response as to whether they are eligible and how much they might save. There is then a simple form to print, complete and send to their local council.
To date, several thousand hits on the site suggest that many firms have made good use of this tool.
Peter Luff MP, chairman of the BERR Select Committee, took up the cause and ably presented a Private Member's Bill to reform the law.
This relief should be automatic. That means scrapping the forms and bureaucracy of handling thousands of claims. It also means providing the help straight away, helping cut the fixed overheads of small businesses each and every year.
When taken alongside plans to cut small company corporation tax rates and reduce the payroll taxes of the smallest employers, this measure is another sign that, as a party, Conservatives are on the side of enterprise.
Labels: Blue Sky
Labels: Sea Cadets