Thursday, 30 April 2009

Ten Step Programme to debt management

Post Credit-Crunch, some residents have sought debt advice. Outlined below is Government advice for your consideration.
Keep going, help is at hand:-
1. Take a deep breath
2. Be prepare to make sacrifices where workable
3. Seek Guidance - see below
4. Prepare a budget (i) income (ii) assets (iii) other (iv) outgoings (iii) balance
5. How much do you earn/receive in benefits/other?
6. How much do you owe and to whom?
7. Pay your rent/mortgage to prevent losing your home (see options below)
8. Pay such debts as water and heating next
9. Show your budget to creditors and ask for support - as in Guidance below
10. Take a deep breath

Seek guidance first: Call Citizens Advice Bureau 01992 635858 or HCC's Money Advice Unit 01992 555555 and other similar sites explain about IVAs where Government Insolvency Act can clear personal debt over £15K from £200pm.


Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Sweetman Surprise

Arriving at St Clement's Church is very uplifting experience as it nestles neatly within Cheshunt Wash and alongside a driveway to fishing lakes.

Silent pews, sunshine, stained glass windows - a moment for pause - the arrival of red-uniformed pupils energises the aisles and fills the pews.

'Surprise' was the theme of the sermon which reflected my own thoughts: pleasantly surprised by the setting, the confident pupils and the ethos of the school which 'values individuals'.

Fun and laughter erupted when a loud boo was followed by bursting balloons - surprise, surprise - followed by an interpretation of expectations and then voting on the sermon.

Pleasantly revitalised, the pupils left for second lesson of the day: the Church quietened.

Well done, Sam Sweetman, Headteacher, St Clement's CofE (VA) Junior School.

Sunday, 26 April 2009

Goodby Mr Geoff: 1959-2009

Goodness, a Golden Goodbye to Geoffs Menswear, Cheshunt High Street following 50 Years' Service.

Heartiest congratulations and best wishes: retirement is a wonderful opportunity to explore what more life has to offer.

For the remaining small businesses in Cheshunt, shopkeepers are quoted as saying 'Blow the b****y doors off' business rates that push small firms over the edge.

Business rates are universally unpopular with firms. They are often the third most significant overhead, and are fixed, regardless of how well or badly a business is doing. So in a recession, business rates can help push a firm over the edge.

Small businesses feel the pinch most. And as many point out, they get nothing in return for their rates, not even their bins emptied.

That’s why Mark Prisk MP has been campaigning to help small business get relief from the burden of rates. Last year a section of the Party's website was dedicated to helping small firms claim up to £1,100 relief.

Amazingly, half of the eligible firms weren’t claiming this relief. Why? Most advised that they either didn’t know it existed, or had found the red tape too much.

So the online tool that Mr Prisk put on the website enabled those businesses to quickly put in their details and then get an immediate response as to whether they are eligible and how much they might save. There is then a simple form to print, complete and send to their local council.

To date, several thousand hits on the site suggest that many firms have made good use of this tool.

Peter Luff MP, chairman of the BERR Select Committee, took up the cause and ably presented a Private Member's Bill to reform the law.

This relief should be automatic. That means scrapping the forms and bureaucracy of handling thousands of claims. It also means providing the help straight away, helping cut the fixed overheads of small businesses each and every year.

When taken alongside plans to cut small company corporation tax rates and reduce the payroll taxes of the smallest employers, this measure is another sign that, as a party, Conservatives are on the side of enterprise.

Thursday, 16 April 2009

What is the worst that can happen?

Spring flowers - these two words conjure a flawless vitality that pre-empt Blue Skies. The economy will rise again, just as sure as the Snowdrops and Dog's Mercury. Yes, expect Blue Skies.

For thirty-seven years Cheshuntonians have been enjoying themselves at The Beaumont Centre where our veteran citizens gather for socials and pastimes: the odd holiday or two is taken when the Blue Skies shine - pop-in for a pot of tea some time, you will be welcomed by the staff and fellows alike. Perhaps you are already a fellow? I would love to hear about the good times you have enjoyed at The Beaumont, if so. ps I can recommend the home made cakes mmmmm.

The Police Chiltern Air Support Helicoptor Unit at RAF Henlow, Bedfordshire provided the Blue Sky weather conditions for the Pilots to fly during my visit: the helicoptor is so impressive likewise the on-board technology. Richard Barker, Deputy Unit Executive Officer and his Team ensure that Cheshunt North is in safe hands, rest assured. In 2007, the two aircraft attended 5,634 incidents, was involved in 868 arrests, helped to recover £2,006,370 worth of property, and airlifted 39 people to hospital. Think Blue Sky.

The Lee Valley Park in which Cheshunt North sits invites visitors to relax and enjoy themselves. It is your turn to enjoy yourself under the Blue Skies at Lee Valley Park. Looking forward to seeing you here:

Blue Sky thinking works.


Saturday, 4 April 2009

Dying wish

A lifetime of navigating Sea Cadets* through unchartered waters, Mr Ernie Havis has helped countless 10-18 year olds in Cheshunt to find their sea legs, namely the traditions, values and ethos of the Royal Navy.

Mr Havis has raised the necessary funds to build a Sea Cadet hut to replace the fifty year old building in the grounds of Cheshunt School - all he needs is the land upon which to build it.

Ernie expects a sea change to enable his eight year struggle with planners to reach a successful conclusion: in time to see local poverty stricken families within the Sea Cadet ranks alongside prosperous able seamen.

I have a feeling that Mr Havis wish will come true, quite soon.

* Her Majesty The Queen is the Patron of the Sea Cadet Corps and HRH The Duke of York is the Admiral of the Sea Cadet Corps. Many Sea Cadets go on to join the Royal Navy and Royal Marines or other sections of the Armed Forces via the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, BTEC National Diploma in Public Services, BTEC First Diploma in Music and BTEC First Diplomas in Engineering, currently only available in the Sea Cadets.
