Monday, 28 February 2011

Young Carers: STAND UP! SPEAK UP!

The Palace of Westminster, also known at the Houses of Parliament or Westminster Palace is the meeting place for the two Houses of Parliament ~ the House of Lords and the House of Commons.

Looking up towards "the greatest creation of medieval timber architecture", the hammerbeam roof of the Westminter Hall, Young Carers then set-off for a tour of Westminster Palace led by Elizabeth Johnson, who expertedly provided he exploration portals for our group.

Listening attentively and asking excellent questions, the group spent ninety minutes absorbing historical facts and up to date anecdotes about PMQs, remembering not to sit down on the benches which are reserved for Members only.

Broxbourne's Young Carers now have a much better idea of how to influence MPs who make decisions about their lives thanks to Charles Walker MP who sponsored the visit.

My thanks to Charles, his staff and Young Carers.  Excellent day!


Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Community First Responders: no experience required

The East of England Ambulance Service are calling for people in Hertfordshire to give up their spare time to attend 999 calls... 

They're looking for Community first responders to be taught life saving skills to help others in South East Hertfordshire.

CFRs are dispatched by the emergency operations centre at the same time as the ambulance crew or rapid response vehicle, but often arrive first on scene because they are based so locally.

The responder then provides clinical care until paramedics arrive.

Volunteers take it in turn to be 'on call' and carry basic first aid equipment and a simple-to-use automated external defibrillator (AED).

No previous experience is required, as all volunteers under take training to equip them with the skills needed to carry out the role, which is fully supported by the ambulance service.

Steve Catley, community partnership manager for Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire, said: "Anyone living or working within their local community can get involved with the scheme; they can either be a first responder, or they can help with other vital aspects of the scheme as scheme co-ordinator, fundraising or general admin help to the group.

It's an incredibly rewarding experience and something which demonstrates great community spirit."

For more information contact: 01284 731802  or email


Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Decentralisation, devolution and empowerment: 'Control Shift'

For what are we waiting?
In 2009, David Cameron launched a major policy green paper 'Control Shift' outlining Conservative plans to give power back to local communities via an empowered state, local people and institutions.

Creating bottom-up incentives for house building, by allowing councils to benefit more from the increase in council tax revenues from new homes, rather than being equalised away by Whitehall

Allowing councils to establish their own local enterprise partnerships to take over the economic development functions and funding of the Regional Development Agencies

Giving local authorities a new discretionary power to levy business rate discounts, allowing them to help local shops and services, such as rural pubs or post offices

Provide citizens in all large cities with the opportunity to choose whether to have an elected mayor, through mayoral referendums

Greater use of direct democracy, including allowing residents to veto high council tax rises, and instigating local referendums on local issues

Requiring councils to publish detailed information online on expenditure by local councils – including the pay and perks of senior staff, and issuing new guidance to stop ‘rewards for failure’ to sacked town hall staff.

Caroline Spelman, the Shadow Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, said, "It’s not just about empowering local government; we want to empower the people it serves so that they can have more say in how much of their money they want their council to spend on their behalf.”

For what are we waiting?  Bills to become Law?  New Boards to form?  Businesses to go bust?  Websites to be updated with expenditures?

[  BBC News - Eric Pickles to give councillors top pay vote  ]

This is a once in a generation opportunity to change the way politics is done ~ what do you want to do about it?   Tell me

16-25yrs old? Big Society's BIG Mouth

Local People.  Local Power.  Local Politics.

Caroline Spelman
'Control Shift'
Returning Power to Local Communities via @AddThis
